Our range of services includes:
Pre-Purchase Due Diligence to assess what soil contamination risk there is at a site before you commit to purchasing it.
Preparation of a Preliminary Site Investigation (PSI) to determine the risk of your site having had Hazardous Activities or Industries List (HAIL) uses and the likely risk of soil contamination.
Detailed Site Investigations (DSI) to determine whether soil contamination is present by carrying out a soil sampling investigation.
Provision of a Remediation Action Plan (RAP) to outline the remediation strategy for any soil contamination on your site, including a Site Management Plan. Remediation can include full removal of the contaminated soils, relocation to more appropriate locations, onsite management of soils, or a combination of methods.
Remediation Supervision and Site Validation Reports (SVR) where we can provide site supervision and XRF testing, validation sampling and reporting, and any other associated reporting to get final sign off from regulatory authorities. We aim to ensure your remediation is effective and costs are minimised.
Ongoing Site Management Plans (OSMP) are sometimes an option where other site management measures are put in place, such as capping or restrictions on the types of uses of the land. An OSMP will describe the completed works at the site and outline how they are to be managed into the future by the site owner/occupiers.
Environmental Planning to advise you on your proposed project in terms of current soil contamination related legislation, provision of Assessments of Environmental Effects (AEE) and application for related resource consents. We can also help you with compliance monitoring of existing consents.
Other Environmental Services that we can provide include provision of XRF services with a qualified operator, drinking water and surface water sampling, soil compliance testing for stormwater facilities and lead paint testing.