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Environmental Planning & Other Services


Environmental Planning


If soil contamination presence means you need a resource consent, we are able to assist by providing an Assessment of Environmental Effects (AEE) and make the necessary applications for soil contamination related resource consents. We tailor our consent applications to the specific job and the activity status, which means a simple letter format may be all that is required for a 'controlled' activity application, or for more complex jobs that have a 'fully discretionary' status, a detailed report style AEE is more appropriate.  


Other Services

  • Compliance monitoring of soil contamination projects, and soil testing requirements for storm water facility consents

  • Sampling of rural drinking water supplies - do you source your water from a bore or a roof tank - we can collect samples for testing at an IANZ accredited laboratory and provide comparison of results to the New Zealand Drinking Water Standards, and recommend actions if results show concerns

  • Testing for lead paint - using an XRF is a quick and reliable way to test multiple surfaces for lead paint at minimal cost.

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